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Welcome to Olimpiadi Gioventù Italiana
The Olimpiadi Gioventù Italiana was founded in 1978 by St.Peter's Italian Club in London. Its aims are simple : to provide all young people in the Italian communities of the U.K. the opportunity to take part in a three-day Olympic event, regardless of ability.

The first OGI Games were held in 1980 at the Copthall Stadium, in North London. Italian Clubs and Associations from all over the United Kingdom took part with great enthusiasm. Since then, the OGI Games have taken place every two years, on the Saturday, Sunday and Monday of the May Bank Holiday. Around 750 competitors take part in each OGI Games which attract up to 5000 spectators over the three days.

The Games are open to all young people from 9 to 21 years of age (inclusive), who are members of an Italian Club or Association, or who are currently learning Italian at school or evening class. There is no maximum or minimum limit on the number of competitors in each team.

For upto date news\information refer to NEWS  also follow us on instagram.

Lining up at start of games
Finchley team during medal ceremony
Teams walking for opening ceremony

The Olimpiadi Gioventù Italiana was founded in 1978 by St. Peter’s Italian Youth Club Committee, which is situated in Central London. The first O.G.I games were held in 1980 on the Whitsun bank holiday weekend in North London.

Thankfully, the games have taken place every two years since then. The aim of the Olimpiadi Gioventù Italiana is to provide young people in the Italian Community, aged 9 – 21 with the opportunity to take part in a three day Olympic event.

The 2018 Olimpiadi Gioventù Italiana Champions are AS Londra Sud! The winners of the Les Rickard Award were Southgate and the Mazzini Garibaldi Sportsmanship trophy went to Finchley Congratualtions to all athletes taking part.

We were very lucky this year as it did not rain over the OGI weekend, even though thunder and lightning was all around us. We had a fantastic closely fought 2018 OGI games and with our special friends, Angelo Alessio,
Chelsea assistant coach and Marco Villani the Italian Consul Generale, it made it a speical event. Especially as my granddaughter took part and in her own words "why can't it be done every year"

Well I'm sure the committee have different views. So, to those who
can't wait to take part again, it's only another 2 years to go. As always looking forward to seeing you all again in 2020, let's make it just as special in 2020!!!

We normally have 5 teams taking part in the Olimpiadi Gioventù Italiana - Finchley, Southgate, AS Londra Sud and  St. Peters. Unfortuenlty Stanmore & Hendon could not make it this year, 2018.

But lets hope someone will take the reins and make it 5 teams again instaed of the 4 that took part in 2018.

Each team has their own dedicated page on this website, which feature manager and committee information, contact details and any upcoming events.

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